What should you charge for Webflow?

Stop getting paid less than you’re worth. Use the free calculator to price your Webflow services like a boss.

The right way to price webflow

Scoping, quoting, deadlining Webflow projects. Sucks the life right out of you, doesn’t it? Not anymore! Use the interactive calculator to get a quote & deadline ready to pitch to your client.

Desktop Screenshot of the Calculator Scope SectionMobile Screenshot of the Calculator Scope Section
Desktop Screenshot of the Calculator Projects SectionMobile Screenshot of the Calculator Project Section
Desktop Screenshot of the Calculator Results PageMobile Screenshot of the Calculator Results Page

Scope the project

List page layouts, CMS and tricky hacks. Figure out rush fees, taxes, deadline buffers. Project complexity, made simple!

Make it personal

Portfolio-hungry junior? Busy pro? Boring job? Price & deadline calibrate to your level of experience, availability... and interest.

Quote & deadline

Get a precise estimate you can share with your clients. Godspeed and good huntin’, tiger🤘

What goes into


Your preference

Each quote is 100% you. The formula accounts for your level of experience, availability and interest in the project & client.


Webflow’s sorcery

Webflow’s consistency as a platform makes it uniquely easy to estimate the time & effort for each task and project type.


My years of tears

... and sweat, and sales calls. From all-nighters, to hiring Webflow developers, to getting rejected by clients, I’ve done it all.

Who’s behind this?

Stefan Emoji

Hey there 👋

I’m Stefan, founder of High Five, a Webflow studio based in Nis, Serbia. I’ve been designing away for 7+ years, often losing great projects, sleep, or both to misplaced budgets.

CashYourFlow is my personal project, built to scratch my own itch and give back to the design community.

If you'd like to connect, you can reach me trough Linkedin or Twitter

Enjoy & happy selling! ✌️

How to Cash Your Flow even more?

Here’s a radical idea: read a book! Seriously, it actually will help. Good courses will, too. Use & peruse this free list of resources that helped me big time in my journey through design and sales.

Chris Do

Chris Do

Chris Do is an Emmy award-winning designer, director, CEO and Chief Strategist of Blind and the founder of The Futur—an online education platform with the mission of teaching 1 billion people how to make a living doing what they love.

Chris Do Emoji
RAn Segal

Ran Segal

Ran Segal a full stack designer, he helps early stage startups with everything from branding, product design, video and investor decks. He collaborated with top teams working across a variety of B2C & B2B industries in Israel and across the globe.

RAn Segal Emoji
Michael Janda

Michael Janda

Michael Janda is an agency veteran, business coach, and the best-selling author of Burn Your Portfolio. He shares systems and strategies to help creative freelancers and agencies run their businesses with confidence and make more money.

Michael Janda Emoji
The Futur Courses Page Banner
Flux Academy Course Banner
Jnada Courses Page Banner
Graphic of the book "The Win Without Pitching Manifesto" by Blair Enns
Graphic of the book "THe Psychology of Graphic Design Pricing" by Michael Janda
Graphic of the book "Pricing Creativity" by Blair Enns
Chris Dos Book Cover - The Pocket Full of Do

Usually asked

What’s CashYourFlow?

Is it really free?

Where’d you get the formula from?

Who’s behind this?

Can I forward this to my client?

Do you offer any courses or training?