Your skillset factors into flexibility, deadline and other aspects of the job
Enter your usual rate, or the one you expect from this project
This field can't be empty. You should probably charge for your work!
Take an honest look at your designs. How crazy are we talking?
Number of pages you’ll need to build manually from scratch
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you have no unique layouts.
Pages you build once, then rinse-and-repeat with different content & assets
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you have no unique layouts.
Things like animations, transitions and usability quirks that ramp up complexity
No CMS? No problemo! But if there’s one, we’ll account for setup and hacking time
Which services are we connecting?
It’s ok to charge less if the job’s cool. Options 2 and 3 progressively reduce your fee by
Don’t lose a dream client to a short-term paycheck. Options 2 and 3 reduce your fee by
The Profit rate is that extra charge on top of your bilable hours.
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you don't want to add any profit.
Covers the extra value experts deliver by shipping fast and billing fewer hours
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you don't want to add an efficiency fee.
Charge more for adrenaline-fueled late nights. 10% is a good start
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you don't want to add a rush fee.
Enter your tax rate and we’ll calculate your take-home earnings
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you don't want to calculate tax.
This won’t affect your price, but it’ll figure on your proposal for convenience
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you won't ask fo downpayment
Working on a lot of projects? Bump your price and extend your deadline
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if this will be the only project you're working on.
Estimate your weekly availability. If you’re not sure, you can leave this blank
This field can't be empty. Consider commiting at least 10hrs/week to a project.
Fend off procrastination by adding time to the real deadline
This field can't be empty. Please enter 0 if you have won't add any deadline buffer.
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